The Invitation of a Lifetime Message Guide

Rewatch the Message 

Message Guide

Sermon Summary 🎬

Pastor Casey's sermon, "The Invitation of a Lifetime," explores Jesus' invitation to a new start. He connects it to personal stories and challenges the congregation to seek God daily. Emphasizing discipleship and yielding to God, he urges resisting negative influences and aligning beliefs with Scripture. The sermon concludes with an invitation for a renewed commitment to follow Jesus and allow Him to work in fresh ways.

Discussion Questions 💬

  1. What steps can we take to grow in spiritual maturity and discipleship?
    1. Context: Pastor Casey shared that the Holy Spirit invites us to new levels in our habits, routines, relationships, marriages, and parenting.
    2. Application Question: In what area of your life do you feel God is calling you to grow and develop? How can you make practical steps towards that growth?
  2. How does Jesus' invitation to Levi, a despised tax collector, demonstrate that God sees value in everyone?
    1. Context: Pastor Casey highlighted the story of Jesus inviting Levi to be His disciple, showing that Jesus sought out the sinner of all sinners.
    2. Application Question: How can you remind yourself of God's love and value for you, even in moments of feeling unworthy or judged by others?
  3. What are some ways to actively participate in discipleship and intentional formation within your church community?
    1. Context: Pastor Casey urged the congregation to be involved in the local church and focus on discipleship and intentional formation.
    2. Application Question: What opportunities are available in your local church for you to serve and connect with others meaningfully?
  4. Based on Luke chapter five, what are some examples of Jesus' miracles that demonstrate His power and authority?
    1. Context: Casey referenced several miracles in Luke chapter five, including healing a man with leprosy and a paralyzed man.
    2. Application Question: How can these miracles inspire your faith in Jesus, encourage you to follow His teachings, and help you grow spiritually?

Prayer 🙏

  • Ask God to help us apply the sermon to our lives throughout the week.
  • Pray for God's fresh and new mercies to be evident daily. 
  • Seek the Holy Spirit's guidance in our pursuit of spiritual maturity and discipleship
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